Friday, November 14, 2014

Classroom Update - 11.14.2014

Good Afternoon Families!

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner!  However, with the weather outside, it feels more like the middle of winter!  In such a short time, our 5th graders have learned so much because of their hard work and the continued support you give them at home.  Please make sure to read the following information regarding report cards:

Report Card Information:  
First Trimester Report Cards will be released on November 21st at 3:00pm.
Your child's report card will be online this year.  You will still receive an envelope, which you must return signed acknowledging that you have viewed the online report card and any included documents.  Information to set up your online PowerSchool account to access your child's report card will be included in the envelope coming home on Friday, November 21st.

Below are the targets we are either currently  working  on or planning to work on as we move into the second grading period:

**We will start to work on analyzing multiple accounts, while considering characters' points of view and their perspective.  

**We will transition from informative/explanatory writing to opinion/argumentative writing.  Students will be asked to pick an stance and defend their argument using evidence from the text, as well as their own ideas.

**We will begin Unit 3, which covers adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers and applying those concepts when presented with real world word problems.

**We will begin our Human Body unit, starting with cells and their purpose.

Social Studies
**We will start our discussion on economy, with a focus on goods vs. services, supply and demand, and trade.  Please be on the lookout for information regarding our 5th grade trade fair!

Upcoming Events
**Friday, November 21st: Report Cards Issued

**Monday, November 24th: Parent / Teacher Conferences from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

**Tuesday, November 25 - Parent Teacher Conferences from 2:00 - 7:00 p.m.

**Wednesday, November 26th - Friday, November 28th: NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Holiday Break).

Friendly Reminders
**If you have not yet done so, please return the conference permission slip with your child.

**Please remember to send your child with a healthy snack.  Nothing feeds the brain like a healthy snack!  Also, because allergies, please make sure your child's snack complies with our district's safe snack list.

**Please continue to have your child practice their multiplication facts up to 12.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to meeting with you in a couple of weeks!

Enzie Pangilinan