Happy New Year Families!
We've hit the ground running into the new year! We enjoyed sharing our winter break adventures with each other, and now we are ready to resume the school year with renewed energy and enthusiasm!
Please read below to find out the specifics of what we've been working on!
During shared reading we have been delving into a nonfiction book entitled Real Life Superheroes. Be sure to ask your student about some of the amazing individuals which are highlighted in this book! We are using this text as a springboard to work on literacy targets in the areas of finding main idea, summarizing and comparing and contrasting texts of similar topics.
Writing: Along with reading about Real-life superheroes, we will also be writing about them! Students are selecting an individual in history who they feel has made an outstanding contribution to society--someone who they feel portrays the characteristics of a real-life superhero. After researching about this individual's life, students will be writing an essay which highlights the important biographical, as well as the reasons this person should be considered a hero. Upon completion, students will share their essays with each other so that we can all hear about the amazing accomplishments of these remarkable people!
Math: This week we've been continuing the work we started prior to break with multi-digit multiplication. Upon completion of our unit, students should feel comfortable in utilizing the traditional method, as well as other algorithms such as partial products. Ideally, students will show proficiency in being able to solve two and three digit multiplication problems with accuracy. Those students who have already demonstrated mastery of such skills have been working on extending their skills with related challenges.
Social Studies: Students have been "digging deeper" into the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance. We've done a variety of activities to increase each student's understanding of what they are saying during our daily recitation of the Pledge. In coming weeks we will also be learning about patriotism and further explore the liberties we value in our country. During this learning, we will compare our liberties with certain countries that are not as fortunate to possess such rights and freedoms.
Science: In science we are starting our unit on the Earth, Moon and Stars. Within this unit we will explore such concepts as gravity, how distance affects the brightness of stars, and how day and night occur.
** Please keep in mind that on MOST days students will be going outside for recess. Please make sure that your child brings appropriate outdoor clothing, including gloves, to school each day.
**Band and orchestra students should remember to be prepared with their instruments and music books on the days that lessons take place. Students are not able to call home once the school day begins.
Important upcoming dates to remember:
Wednesday, Jan. 16th--4/5th grade Orchestra concert at Twin Groves @ 7:00 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 21st--No school Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday, Jan. 29 PTO Special Lunch/Early release @ 2:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Enzie Pangilinan
** Please keep in mind that on MOST days students will be going outside for recess. Please make sure that your child brings appropriate outdoor clothing, including gloves, to school each day.
**Band and orchestra students should remember to be prepared with their instruments and music books on the days that lessons take place. Students are not able to call home once the school day begins.
Important upcoming dates to remember:
Wednesday, Jan. 16th--4/5th grade Orchestra concert at Twin Groves @ 7:00 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 21st--No school Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday, Jan. 29 PTO Special Lunch/Early release @ 2:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Enzie Pangilinan