Dear Parents,
All of the students’ hard work paid off and we were all able to enjoy a great 5th grade music program! Way to go!! We also had a very successful Trade Fair on Thursday. The products the students brought in were very creative. They gained first hand experience with trading their goods for other goods. It was a success! Here is what’s happening in our classrooms:
Math- We are continuing our work with fractions. The students will interpret multiplication as scaling through words or pictures, explaining how the size of the product of fractional numbers is based on the size of each factor without performing the indicated multiplication.
Literacy- We are starting a new literature unit. We will begin this by comparing and contrasting two or more characters including how they react to events in the story. We will also be revisiting narrative writing.
Science- We are beginning to talk about the human body and the digestive system.
Social Studies- We will be wrapping up our economy unit and moving into our Explorer Unit.
**Please look for the winter MAP scores in your child’s backpack today. Also, just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, January 19th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Have a wonderful extended weekend!
Enzie Pangilinan