With the snow and chilly temperatures it seems as if Spring can't come soon enough! Please read below to find out the specifics of what we've been working on!
This week, during our shared reading, we continued our theme of “Exploring New Worlds” as we started to read a book titled "Pedro’s Journal". The story depicts the exploration of Christopher Columbus. However, it is told through the perspective of a young boy (Pedro) who traveled with him as a crew member. Much of our learning, as we continue to read, will focus on Pedro's perspective, as well as determining theme.
We are using the above-mentioned story, "Pedro’s Journal", as a springboard for our next analytical essay. Here, students will utilize multiple sources in order to research about Christopher Columbus and his explorations. Based on their findings, they will decide whether they feel that Columbus Day should continue to be celebrated as a holiday. Students will utilize the strategies we’ve learned throughout the year in order to compose a well-written paper which contains evidence and reasons to support their opinions.
This week we've been continuing the work we started prior to break with multi-digit multiplication. Upon completion of our unit, students should feel comfortable in utilizing the traditional method, as well as other algorithms such as partial products. Ideally, students will show proficiency in being able to solve two and three digit multiplication problems with accuracy. Those students who have already demonstrated mastery of such skills have been working on extending their skills with related challenges.
Social Studies
Students have been learning about probable causes and effects of events and developments in U.S. history, with a focus on Westward Expansion and on the California Gold Rush. Based on our what we learned about Westward Expansion, students had to construct and defend the argument of whether or not they would have traveled West. In the coming weeks, our focus will shift on the exploration of the Arctic. Students will read articles and watch videos about arctic exploration to continue to hone their research skills and their use of multiple sources to support their thinking.
We have continued to work on our unit on the Earth, Moon and Stars. We recently completed a section of this unit on the perceived movement of stars in the night sky. Students learned that the stars in the sky seem to move because the Earth is moving. We modeled this movement with students in a circle with various pictures of constellations, a globe, and a person representing the sun. Students saw that in different times of the year different stars and constellations are visible due to the position of the Earth in relation to the sun. In the final section of this unit, students will be learning about the different tools scientists use to observe space.
Important Dates and Reminders
*February 15th - NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
*February 26th - Half Day
*Please continue to have your child practice their multiplication facts up to 12.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you and enjoy your weekend