Monday, January 31, 2022

Monday, January 30th, 2022 and The Math Unit 5 Fractions Algorithms and Models Document Link

Happy Monday Families!

I hope everyone has been staying warm during this cold and snowy January! Read below to find out what we have been up to in class! :) 


The last two weeks have been busy ones in literacy! We read two different stories, Beyond the Horizon, and Pedro’s Journal. Both stories dealt with travel and discovery of the West Indies. We used both of these stories to discuss a character’s point of view and how it affects the story. This week, we started an exciting novel called George’s Secret Key to the Universe. It is a science fiction novel that will give us more practice with identifying point of view. Your child will have a chapter or two to read each night of the book for homework. This can count towards their daily 20 minutes of reading. We will also be practicing figurative language over the next couple of weeks.


To tie in with reading George’s Secret Key to the Universe, students have started planning their science fiction narratives. We are still in the planning stages of writing. We will be working on introducing our characters and setting, making sure events flow, and adding dialogue and sensory details. They are coming up with some creative stories! Ask them to share what they have so far!


We finished our unit on multiplication using the standard algorithm. This week, we started our next unit, which is multiplying and dividing fractions. We will be practicing using different strategies and models to help us along the way.  This unit will not be reported out on report cards until Trimester 3.

I am also sharing a link to a document that has visuals on multiplying fractions. If your student asks for help, you can refer to the strategies in the document.

Unit 5 Fraction Algorithms And Models

Social Studies

We have started to learn about probable causes and effects of events and developments in U.S. history, with a focus on Westward Expansion and on the California Gold Rush.  We have been focusing this week on the impact of the Homestead Act. Based on what we learn about Westward Expansion, students will construct and defend an argument of whether or not they would have traveled West. 

We also completed and filmed Westward Expansion readers' theaters. As soon as they are edited, I will make sure to share them with you, so be on the lookout!


We wrapped up talking about how stars appear to move across the night sky because the earth is constantly rotating. We will wrap up this unit by learning how scientists use tools to help them observe Space.

Upcoming Events

*Monday 2/14- Valentine’s Day Parties

*Monday 2/21- No School

Tuesday 2/22- Early Release

Friendly Reminders

**Please continue to have your child practice their multiplication facts up to 12.

**Please remind your child to charge his/her iPad every night.  We use the iPad throughout the day.

**Please remember to send your child with a healthy snack.  Nothing feeds the brain like a healthy snack!  

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Have a great week!

Enzie Pangilinan